As of September 15, 2020 we have rolled out a Repair Save function to Spiritfarer Xbox One and Windows PC/Game Pass installs.
This should appear automatically in the Options when one or several of the following symptoms are met:
- Passengers previously welcomed have disappeared (note: in certain cases, this may be normal);
- Spirits having previously been brought to the Everdoor have returned;
- Abilities previously acquired, such as the double-jump, have been lost;
- The guiding line in the sawmill mini-game no longer appears;
- Lost the ability to shear or feed sheep.
If you experience these issues on Xbox One or Windows PC including Game Pass installs, please check the Options for the Repair Save button, which should correct the symptoms.
Please contact us to let us know if: you are experiencing the exact symptoms above on Xbox One or Windows PC, and the button does not automatically appear; or if you use the Repair Save button and the above symptoms persist; or if you believe you are experiencing these same symptoms on Nintendo Switch or PS4,
Please note that the Repair Save function will not fix, and is not intended to fix, the following issues:
- Instances where the save game completely disappears or is otherwise unavailable;
- Corrupted saves on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Steam, Epic Games Store, or GOG;
- Issues where the game map or buildings partially revert to incorrect or previous states.